My job as receptionist at Edd Hostel
Hey there !
This blog article is a special one : I’m going to talk about my summer experience : my receptionist job in a hostel in brittany, precisely at Edd Hostel !!
First, let me Introduce myself.
My name is Guillaume, I’m a 22 years old french boy studying Marketing in university from september 2018. After 8 months in Berlin (basically to improve my german (I improved my nightlife too)) I decided to go back to France and to find a job before starting University.
One day I saw this announce online : “Edd Hostel is looking for a receptionist (…) speaking fluent English (…) who has already been in several hostel blablabla” and I thought “Maaaaan this job is mine!”.
This is basically how I became receptionnist here.
So now I’m going to explain how interesting and enriching was this experience !
1st point - Meeting people from anywhere in the world
Definitely the most exciting part ! I met so many people from so many different areas ! Because doing a receptionist job in a hostel in brittany, is not only welcoming the guests and giving the cards. It’s also about discussing, making the guests feel good, giving tips, learning from each other… I ‘ve loved it !
I improved my skills in English and German too ! It’s always been a pleasure to go to work everyday thanks to this aspect.
One day, the day of the World Cup Final game (Allez les bleus ??), I was actually working at the Hostel and watched the game with some guests (we have a massive flat TV screen ?). After the game, a guest arrived for the check-in. He was indian and soooo nice, we’ve been talking for hours and then we decided to go out together after work ! I mean, We just had won the Worldcup, we had to celebrate it ! I brought him to all the best places to have a drink (and more ?). What a night in Dol de Bretagne ! So that’s how I made a good friend this day. Just one more proof that being receptionist is not just staying behind the bar !
2nd point - various activities
Reception, Barman, Community Manager, Blog Writer, Room cleaner (?)… I had various activities during this 2 months.
I had so much fun using Facebook and writing blogs. It feels so good to represent a brand online ! Furthermore, the Backpackers community is very chill and open minded so I always had good feedbacks, which is cool ! ?
3rd point - Edd Hostel Room cleaning
This activity deserves its own chapter in the blog. I mean, that is the most exciting part of the job isn’t it ? Ok, Just kidding.
I spent more time cleaning the rooms in the Hostel than cleaning my own bedroom in my whole life (I never clean my room though).
And I realized one thing : Removing hairs in the bathroom is the worst thing ever ! ? It’s so hard to remove ! I also thought women’s hair were harder to deal with but not at all ! Men’s hair is even worst, it’s smaller and everywhere ?. I hate beardy men since then (I’m obviously joking) ! ?
I spent 2 awesome months meeting backpackers from all over the world and dealing with all operationnal tasks a place like Edd Hostel requires. It’s always been a pleasure to go to work. That’s for me the perfect job if you like socializing with people and helping them !
That’s all for me ! So here was my experience as a receptionist job in a hostel in brittany! I wish my successor good luck and thank you for reading this blog ! Read our others blogs to discover the Region, specialities and traditions ! ?
Tags: Activities, Dol de bretagneIn: Very favorite
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