Explore Brittany from Edd Hostel
We are based in the middle of the emerald triangle : Mont Saint-Michel, Saint-Malo and Dinan. You can have access to all these destinations in less than 30 mins in bus or train from Dol de Bretagne. Edd Hostel is just behind the train station of Dol de Bretagne Many activities to stay several. Check our page Explore for more ideas!
Mont Saint-Michel
Take the bus to explore Mont Saint-Michel. Come back and spend the rest of the day visiting Dol de Bretagne's cathedral, cobbed houses and experience a menhir visit.
Take the train and you will be in 16 mins in the beautiful town of Saint-Malo.
Take the train to Dinan, explore and walk along the Rance River. Just 25 mins train ride. Once there do not miss the walk to Lehon
Cancale and its famous harbor with oysters market. Train and bus from Dol de bretagne. Do not miss the walk to Pointe du Grouin.
The touristic beach of Dinard is accessible by boat in 10 minutes from Saint-Malo. After visiting the town, you can even come back by the walk GR34 in 3h.
Bike and Hike
BIKE: We have the label "accueil velo" which means our hostel is recommended for bikers. We are located less than 1km from the Voie Verte EV4 to go to Mont Saint-Michel (2h) or Saint-Malo. HIKE: We have the label "Rando Bretagne" which means our hostel is recommended for hikers.