Dinard Bretagne fance

Dinard, the seaside resort

If you really enjoyed visiting Saint-Malo and its old district Intra-Muros, then you probably should visit Dinard and its beautiful beaches ! Let me explain exactly what is Dinard and why you must visit that town 🙂


Visit Dinard, prestigious seaside resort



That city is considered as one of the most prestigious seaside resort in France, and there’s good reasons for it ! Between huge villas, palaces and its casino, Dinard is a really attractive town for both outsiders and French. There’s also a lot of events going on in the city, the most famous is the Festival of British movies that take place in Dinard every year since 1990.

It is that famous than a lot of known people choose that place for their holiday. Sometimes they even bought a villa here! Albert the first, king of Belgium or Jacques Chirac, French president, are part of them 🙂


Chilling out is the key !




I love to just wander around on beaches and take a nice sunbath. Having a good look on villas is also pretty impressive and make you dream a little bit, you can also buy an ice-cream and enjoying it during a walk along the beach or diving into one of the seawater pool if the weather allows you to do it… typical holiday town!

What is also really convenient with Dinard is that it’s easily reachable from Edd Hostel ! What I usually do is going first to Saint-Malo by train, then heading to Dinard by foot.

If you choose the walking option, then check this article to know more about the way !

You will have to go on the dam of la Rance, the river that separate Saint Malo from Dinard. You will have a beautiful view of the river from there, don’t forget your camera 😉



That’s also where you will find the Rance Tidal Power Station, which is one of the most impressive of them all ! It was indeed the biggest tidal power station during almost 45 years since its creation.


For further info…


How to get there : The most convenient would be to take a train to Saint-Malo. Then, you have two options. Either you take a ferry from Saint-Malo’s port to Dinard, or you can walk along the coast and on the Rance dam. The last option remains my favorite ! You should check that article for more details.

Where to eat : Since it is a seaside resort, you won’t have any trouble to find a good place where to eat ! We recommend the restaurant “La Passerelle du Clair de Lune” which is just in front of the sea 😉


USEFULL LINKS: Official website of Dinard tourist office: Click here !

More information about Saint-Malo: Click here !

What to taste while in Brittany: Click here !


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