dol de bretagne

    10km around Dol

    Once more we are in lockdown and therefore we have a limit of movement that is about 10km around Dol. That’s why, for you to take a breath outside and explore the nature, here is a list of our favorite hikes by walk or bicycle, that are nearby!

    10km autour de DOl

    Circuit of the two valleys

    A beautiful hike and unrecognized in our opinion. First of all, the loop starts from the church of Saint-Broladre (10km by car from Dol). You need to count 2h30 and follow the yellow signs B2. This circuit of less than 9km shows you around various landscapes: forest, countryside, polders, etc…

    We absolutely loved this hike which has an easy level. A few climbs, but nothing really hard and well signed! You just have to follow the yellow signs B2. They are hiding everywhere, so open your eyes, specially at crossroads: it may be on a tree, an electric pole or on a rock. If you can’t see anything after 15min. walk, you may be on the wrong path!

    First part

    We are starting this hike by crossing 2 valleys, a landscape of forest with a stream and a few small waterfalls. Afterwards, we need to follow the hamlet of Muriaux with little paths within the fields, it often offers a beautiful view on the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel. Before going down towards the polders of the bay, you are going nearby the telegrah of the Chappe. This revolutionary invention allowed the transmission of signals between Paris and Brest in twenty minutes.

    deux vallées

    Second part

    Then, you will walk by the village of Saint-Marcan. Go down and walk past the departmental road. We are now walking within the fields in the typical landscapeds of the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel. We can follow these fields till a turn towards the Saint-Broladre village.

    In our opinion, it is one of the best loops of walk to do around Dol. We love the various landscapes met only within these 2h30, and we specially appreciated the view we had of the Bay at some point of the hike. For the experimented hikers, you can add to the loop a detour towards Saint-Anne Chapel of Cherrueix.

    Green Path Dol-Cherrueix

    We have dedicated an article in link with this 2hours hike by bicycle, including the return. During a sunny day, it’s a really nice walk to do with your family. The hike is quite easy and flat. You can leave at 11am and take with you a picnic, enjoy Cherrueix and the Bay and come back with your bike towards Dol!

    For the details of this hike by bike, you can click here.

    Walk towards Carfantin

    First part

    From the city center of Dol, go towards the swimming pool and walk past the Guyoult valley to enjoy its peace. Go till the end of the valley, and turn right where you can see a little field with sheep, you know where there is this sportive circuit. At the end, you will notice a statue of the Virgin Marie, in a rock. It is actually the statue of Notre Dame de Salette that used to be in the church of Carfantin. A sign will explain to you the story of this small statue, which now links our town with Salette Fallavaux’s town in Savoie. Afterwards, go out by the street La Porte, which is close by. Walk down by the street towards the church of Carfantin. Take advantage of this to discover the area, the church and don’t hesitate to see the fountain of Saint-Samson.

    Continue on the street “Rue Félix Poirier”, always straight till the Menhir of the Champ-Dolent. Since when haven’t you visited our beautiful menhir?

    dol de bretagne

    Second part

    To finish the loop, you can come back to the city center by the road of Combourg. As for us, we prefer to come back by the street “Félix Poirier”, and pass again in front of the church of Carfantin. After Carfantin, we turn right around the old mirror factory (now in ruins). We need to ascend the street of Pierre Sémard. This street, often forgotten by Dol’s citizen, shows the history of the town’s industry. At the parking (and Edd Hostel), walk towards the railway station, take the underground and walk past the train station. You now just have to take the Aristide Briand Avenue and hop you have reached once more the city center!

    For this nice loop, you can count 2h walk. Take advantage of the 10km around Dol limit rediscover with new eyes your town!


    Green path 4 to Hirel

    First part

    This bicycle ride starts at Murets street (Rue des Murets), near by the Cathedral. Just past the racing ground of the high school, the green path 4 (or “Voie Verte” in french) is found on a little street on your left. This path is going to take you within the countryside towards the Mont-Dol.

    Once you reached the Mont-Dol, you can take a little break. Park your bicycle at the Parking “Place du Marché”. Then walk around the village. You can visit the town’s church. Remaining of paintings from the 15th Century are illuminating this church Saint-Pierre.

    mont dol

    Second part

    Climb the 64m of the Mont-Dol (you have a few roads), to admire the view on the Bay of the Mont Saint-Michel. Take your time and read the story of the place, which includes the windmill, but also legends such as the Devil Rock!

    You can now go back to your bicycle and rejoin the green way till the Vivier-sur-Mer. It is a really nice ride within the fields, and it is well indicated!

    Once you are at the Vivier, you can continue your ride till Hirel or even Saint Benoît-des-Ondes as the limit is 10km around Dol-de-Bretagne.


    Black Swamp Circuit


    This hike starts at Dol de Bretagne. A loop of 3h through the countryside of Dol. We liked this walk as we experienced another side of the surrounding area. We found it convenient as the start is from the city center and quickly takes us to the nature. There’s even an article dedicated for it!


    Sites full of history

    If you do not really fancy hikes, you can still enjoy by paying a visit to places full of our history! We have sites that tourists usually visit, and even us as local forget about it.

    Of course, there is the Menhir of the Champ-Dolent and the Cathedral that you already know. 10min away from Dol, on the road towards Saint-Broladre, there is the megalith beyond the tomb (Mégalithe d’Outre Tombe). When we went there, the site was not well maintained, but we are sure that with the sunny days arriving the town hall is going to take care of it 🙂 . Signs that are explaining the story of it are on the site.

    You can follow the road till the Telegraph of the Chappe. You will learn how the government and the army used to communicate.

    On the return, you can do a loop at the Mont Dol’s church. We talked about it at the top of this article.

    sites Dol

    We hope that this article brought the the citizens of Dol hiking ideas for the 10km around Dol. This article will be refreshed with new ideas coming with time, around Epiniac or the Fresnais. If you have some in mind, do not hesitate to let us know in the comments!




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