week edd

    Masterclass Podcast

    We told you about it, we are preparing some surprises for 2021! That’s it, we are launching our 1st Weekedd that will take place on the 6th and 7th of February. A weekedd es a Masterclass between friends. A small group of 15-20 people that gathers to learn about a special subject with an expert. The goal is to learn but in a chill way.

    Workshops are short, concrete and given in a nice atmosphere. The small group of trainees participates to “talks masterclass” and to a practicable workshop directed by the expert to learn about the special method. Let’s break the common borders between professor and student! The principle is similar to learn with a friend expert on a special subject and surrounded by friends. Of course, to honor all good weekends, a little party is organised for the night.


    Starting your podcast


    For this first weekedd, we chose the podcast theme. Podcast are on full speed growth and lots of people would like to try it, but are not sure how to proceed. Not always easy to start with it, talk about a story or to well manage the sounds. To learn about the basics of podcasts we found an expert of choice that is willing to spend a weekend at Edd Hostel and shore about his knowledge.

    The 6th and 7th of February is therefore going to be with Paul Engel, creator of the podcast “La France baladeuse” and Web redactor that will play along our first weekedd.

    On his website, you can also found some articles about podcasts. It’s been many years that Paul is deeplu engaged on touristic communication. Passionated about travels, Paul created his blog petits-voyageurs.fr (small travellers), than rapidly became a professional. Nowadays, he has created his digital and creative studio that helps tourism actors on their communication and storytelling.


    Paul engel


    Masterclass Podcast’s Program


    Here is the program of Paul Engel’s masterclass podcast’s program :

    6th of February: welcome coffee between 9h and 10h

    1st talk : What is podcast: presentation of his journey and decryption of the different formats.
    Lunch !
    Talk 2 : Launching the podcast : from the idea to the concept (the main step before launch) + briefing on the materials and softwers
    Coffee time !
    Workshop : Practical training pratique around the interview (sound recording and montage)
    Aperitif/ dinner / party ! A unic moment to learn more about the other trainees and the expert
    Sunday :
    From 9am, we start with a debrief on the workshop.
    Talk 3 :How to broadcast your podcast : the whole horizon of platforms
    The end around 1pm. You can take the train back or take advantage of the fact you’re already here to walk around Saint-Malo (16min by train).



    The workshop includes :
    - 1 night at Edd Hostel in shared dorms
    - Lunch and dinner aperitif saturday night (without drinks)
    - Sunday’s breakfast
    - Workshop’s program above
    - Price: 119€ TTC - possibility to cancel till the 1st of February, from the 1st to the 6th is free cancellation if the Covid rules forbids the possibility of the workshop or your arrival (positive test)
    edd hostel deco
    To think about:
    For this masterclass podcast, Paul asks that you come with your brightest smile and also a microphone if you have one. We will have a few microphones for those that were not lucky enough to have it offered from Santa, as to be able to participate to the workshop…

    How to come?


    venir edd hostel


    Edd hostel is situated near by the TGV train station of Dol de Bretagne. You can take the direct train from Montparnasse at 7h11am and you will be at our place at 9h39am! For the return there is a train at 11h58am to 1h42pm to Paris.

    And as Paris isn’t the world’s center, there are regularly train from Saint-Malo and Rennes. A regular train goes between Dol-Caen, the timetable aren’t really flexible, but with a bit of organisation it’s more than possible!

    For ecological reasons we can only advice you to take this transportation to participat at our Weekedd!



    To book >>> Week-edd 6th and 7th of February




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