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Backpacking through France to discover local culture

Backpacking through France and explore the country

Backpacking through France

France is an interesting country to visit. Every region has its own identity but also landscapes. It is usual to hear travellers being surprised by the wide variety of landscapes that France has! And these differences are not far from each others, like the seaside, the countryside, the mountains etc. Also, architecture and houses are different from one region to an another.

For example Brittany houses are tiny and made usually with granite stones as the region next by, Normandy, has completely different houses typically half-timbered and thatched.

France is a beautiful country to visit, one of the most beautiful and interesting in Europe but France suffer of bad reputation because of … the French! Do not worry, French are nice people and we are giving you some tips to travel wisely and Backpacking through France easily!

Check the different regions

As we said France is not one unique and similar place to visit, but more like many nice regions to visit. First of all, ask yourself what do you like the most while travelling. Do you like cities? Nature? Going to the museum? Beaches? Maybe meeting locals?

Once you know what you like, try to determine where you should go. It can seem a bit cliché but if you like cities and fashion areas, then you should stay in Paris. If you like nature and wild areas, then come to see us in Brittany. If you cannot live without sun then head to Nice and if you like wine and food then you can go everywhere in France!

Go off road


French are rude? If you stay to Paris we won’t contradict you on it, but maybe Parisians are just like in any big cities in the world: they are in a hurry! If you want to know more about French people and culture, we really encourage you to go off road and stay in villages. You will see how France is a welcoming nation and despite of barrier languages they will help you to discover around. Use your common sense, if you do not speak French, use your hands, use pictures/ maps or google translation! Who said being an explorer was easy?

For us backpacking is not going to big cities with a backpack, backpacking is exploring around, getting lost and meeting locals!

Use trains

Train is really well developed in France and will drive you to every villages. Travelling by bus is possible since only few years in France so the network is not completely developed. However, buses are the cheapest way to travel from cities to cities.

Speed trains are quite expensives but local trains are cheap. Check what we call TER, it is the french regional railway network. With local trains you can go anywhere you want and that helps a lot with backapcking through France easily. Just check the schedule!

In Brittany, ” here ” is the website for TER.


There is always seats in local trains so you can plan your daytrip at the last minute and travel with freedom. For example, most of our clients decides at the last minute if they want to spend their day in Saint-Malo which is a seaside town or to Dinan, a medieval town. The weather is often the decisive point.

If you decide to travel by train in France & Europe, check Eurail website, they sell train passes to visit Europe!


Stay in hostels or camping

Travelling in France as in many developed countries can be an expensive choice. To save money, save on accommodations by staying in hostels or camping. In France a bed in an hostel is from 24 to 30€ depending of the season.

Hostels are not yet well developed in France but no worries it is coming. Here a map of our top choice independent hostels!

hostel France



If you want to visit a region where there is no hostel, then the cheapest options are camping. We have camping everywhere. They can be quite expensive in South of France during summer.

Live like a local

Backpacking is all about getting lost in villages or cities, do not stay only on main streets, escape to left or right and explore around. Getting lost will show you more about how local people are living, you will discover shops and restaurants that are not on your guide, you will picture nice moments, nice houses…

What we like to do when we explore abroad is to “visit” a supermarket. It is a real experience to see different products and habits of a different culture.

We also like to seat on a terrace of a well located pub or café and observe the life. If you are lucky you can even make friends. In villages, it is easy to make friends for a night in local pubs 😉

Also, to discover French culture do not forget to go to a local market. Check when it is. Normally in every single village in France there is a weekly market. For example in Dol de bretagne it is every Saturday mornings and we love to go there! To feel the local spirit!


Eat Locals

Food = France (and maybe Italy 😉 )

We have so many plates you should try! Ask the region where you stay what are the specialities and try them out, I’m sure you’ll love them! For example in Nouvelle Aquitaine (Bordeaux area), try “Canelé”, in Alsace try the famous “choucroute”, in Brittany you must try the “galette” and local beers in the North of France! There is not one but many specialities in every region.

Go to a restaurant and check the menu. While Backpacking through France go to local markets to feel the spirit but you can also try local food in those markets! Did you know that the hot dog in Brittany is a crepe with a sausage? (here‘s some picture) If you go to a local market you will see a long queue in front of the food truck 🙂

Get inspired by History

France has a strong history. The most famous one is our king’s period but we have many other interesting periods that let us some unique sites to explore. In some places you can see traces of early men, see houses dating back to the 5th century or visit sites of the second world war.

If you are interested by history, France will be an awesome destination. To get more info about the cities where you are staying, do not hesitate to ask to the Tourist Information Center. They will help you to discover unique sites in villages and cities.



Check the weather

Weather is changing a lot within a day in France and can be really different from one region to another.

Before planning or going somewhere you can check Meteo France, the most popular site for weather forecast.

Do not forget your raincoat in your backpack if you are heading west of France. It is often rainy but its wildness still beautiful.


Check local agenda

Many activities are organized by different association or city halls. In France, cultural life and scene have a big agenda even in small cities. Get in touch with the reception of your hostel or go to the tourist information to know what is going on. If you read French, buy local newspaper!

For example in Dol de Bretagne, we often have events such as local music playing in the main street or dance contest or we also have bigger events like the international month of the photography. If you go somewhere, try to look for the local agenda. Around Mont Saint-Michel, it is easy, just check our blog 😉

France is a really wide and nice country. It is really interesting to visit because of its diversity in culture, landscapes, food & history.

Remember: when you are Backpacking through France go to countryside and off road, you will know the local experience : “France is not only Paris”!

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