Mont Dol Mont saint michel bay

Mont Dol, origin of Mont Saint-Michel

What do you know about Mont-Dol?


North from Dol de Bretagne stands the Mont-Dol . It is a hill about 65 where lies a pretty village of 1100 people.

The surrounding of that hill is extremely flat, therefore it provides you a beautiful view as you reach the top of the hill! On the side of the hill stands the small chapel Saint-Michel and next to it the Tour Notre Dame which is topped by a statue of the Virgin Mary. From that spot you can get excellent views over the surrounding .


The origin of Mont Saint-Michel?

Mont-Dol was also surrounded by sea in the 6th century like the Mont Saint-Michel. In fact, myth and stories around Saint-Michel started back there, in the Mont Dol. That’s right, Mont Dol was the first Mont Saint-Michel!

According to legends, Mont Saint-Michel was built on request by the Archangel Michel. Aubert, bishop of Avranches, started to build it on the 16th October 709.

Interesting fact, Saint-Michel was adorated on the Mont Dol before 709. When the sea receided around the year 708, people decided to move the cult somewhere else, which later become the Mont Saint-Michel!

In the center of the mount stands “L’Eglise Saint-Pierre”. It’s beautiful church that presents paintings from the Middle Age. You better go inside that church to see wonderful drawing on the wall!

If you like sport, then you should try Rock climbing in Mont-Dol!! Don’t be afraid even if you have never tried it.

Go on a walk to that lovely hill at the end of the afternoon and enjoy the sunset with the view of Mont Saint-Michel bay!


How to get there: From EDD hostel you can go by foot, it takes 50 min to reach on the top of Mont-Dol or you can also go by bicycle.

Where to eat: There is one good “Crêperie” on the top of Mont-Dol (just next to windmill)


Mont Dol touriste info: Click here!

Rock Climbing Registration: Click here!

And if you want more informations on these destination, here are some links :

Dol la Mysterieuse-guided tour, Click here!

The hidden story of Dol, Click here!

Saturday Market, Click here!

My rate: 5/5


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