joséphine pleudihen

Hello Josephine!

Have you ever seen a seal laying down on the beach?


This amazing scene is possible in the Rance valley, in Pleudihen Sur Rance. A seal in Brittany!
Yesterday, with my family, I went to Pleudihen sur Rance. A small village on the edge of the Rance estuary. Very nice landscapes: a mix between river and sea. From the beach, where the kids love to play, you can see the famous bridge that separates the two departments Cotes d’Armor & Ille et Vilaine.




It was a sunny Saturday, some families & groups of friends came to the village to enjoy the calm and the view of the Rance and over the beautiful Château médiéval de Péhou. However, the main attraction of this place is Joséphine. We love Joséphine ! She is a seal that decided to make the “hole of Mordreuc” her home.

Joséphine, also known as L9 is 17 years old and lives around since many years. Rescued by the Oceanopolis in 2000, she was raised by scientists that tried to reintroduced her in the Mont Saint Michel Bay. Unfortunately / fortunately , Josephine preferred the Rance valley! It is amazing to see this big and wild animal play around humans so naturally. But be careful, she is still a wild animal! If you are lucky, you might see some other seals swim around. Surrounded by this amazing landscapes; this is the perfect spot to spend a day!



How to get there: Direct train Dol to Dinan. Take your bike on board and it will be a 1h ride from Dinan. From the Train Station you can also take the bus n.10 to Pleudihen Sur Rance/ Cale de Mordreuc. Few trains stop at Pleudihen but check before at the railway station.

Where to eat: You will find the restaurant “Cale de Mordreuc” in front of the port/beach. Good food. Nice terrasse!


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