
Visit Dinan, a medieval looking like city

Have you already visit Dinan ? Dinan is one of the most attractive and best preserved small town in Brittany. We often say “when you go to Dinan, it looks like you go back to middle age” . This is because of its 13th century castle and its 3km long ramparts.


The medieval city Dinan !


dinan intra



First of all, we definitely think Dinan is one of the must see in the region! You will get the feeling you are going to the past with its old downtown, small streets and its beautiful harbor. So easy to fall in love with Dinan. During your visit to Dinan, lot of thinks you see downtown and also along the river.

Dinan is located at 25mins by train from Dol de Bretagne. Once you are at Dinan’s train station, you will need 10 mins walk to arrive Place Duclos (city hall).


Activities you shouldn’t miss:


- First, if you arrive by train, open your eyes, don’t be the guy with the phone and look at inside of Dinan Art Deco railway station. It is truly unique and I’m sure you’ll love it!

- Visit the castle. A huge fort with donjons from the medieval times. It’s open everyday from March to December.

- Climb to the top of the 40m high Tour de l’Horloge if you want to have a wonderful view over the town. If it’s a clear day, try out looking for the Mont-Saint-Michel!

- Walk around downtown. Get yourself lost in the streets, and just allow surprises to come to you! Walk along the remparts, 3km walk with amaizing views. (see map)

- Don’t miss the street Rue de Jerzual. This one is filled with art galleries and craft shops. It is also on this street that you will see the oldest houses of the town. The street aims to the harbor.

- Go down to the river (La Rance) & just enjoy the view from the harbor.




If you have more time, we highly recommend you to walk along the river and go to Lehon. Lehon is just 30mins walk from Dinan’s harbor. It is an amazing walk int he nature that aims to a beautiful small village. For more details, read our article.




How to get there: Direct train Dol/Dinan 25mins. Check schedule at Edd Hostel reception or on that link!

Where to eat: You will find “crêperie” local food, everywhere . The town is quite touristic, which means there is plenty of options.


Tourist info

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