Saint suliac EDD hostel bretagne

Saint-Suliac is one of the prettiest village in France


Are you in Bretagne ? You already had a peek on Saint-Malo and find it too touristy ? There are too many people in Mont Saint-Michel ? Dinan is not really what you’re looking for since you love tiny places, feeling cozy and nice just like home ?

Wait a minute then, I may have what you were looking for 😉

That adventure, though, is made for the most brave and adventurous of you all ! That place will be tough to get, and you may lose yourself at some point if you’re not paying attention… But it’s so worth the effort!

I will of course talk about one of the prettiest village of France (yes, and it’s just nearby the Hostel!), Saint-Suliac !



The prettiest village of Bretagne





That cute fishermen village lies next to La Rance, the river that split that area of Brittany in half. You know, the one Dinan have a harbor just next to ?

The particularity of that village is that it’s really typical of an old French village. A little bit like Léhon, if you remember the name, which stands close to Dinan and La Rance.

Once you’re onsite, as usual the best advice is to first hang around. Enjoy the typical architecture of houses (which are really representative of Breton village) and the smallness of some of its cobbled streets ! If you look carefully, you’ll notice on some houses fisher nets hanging on the walls !

Wandering around, you may hear the bell of the church at some point. That church has some History behind it, because it was bombed in the beginning of the 20th century ! You’ll soon notice that there’s not a lot of people out there, even if it’s Summer… It’s for the simple reason that the village count over 1600 inhabitants ! It’s so tiny !





Another really good thing about that village is that it’s also empty of tourists ! The only tourists going there are French people, and even them are not that many…

There’s plenty of good restaurant in Saint-Suliac, and every one of them represent a nice gustative face of Brittany. You’ll find seafood, grill, galettes… My favorite is probably “Au Galichon“, the galette out there are soooo delicious 😉 It’s a pretty tiny village, so usualy you don’t even have to book a table 😀 But be careful, we never know…



Going back to our walk…



Then you should continue to walk toward the river, until finally arriving. I always take some time there to appreciate the fresh marine air and enjoy a nice sunshine. The beach is pretty nice, and the river is pretty close ! You can even take a swim if you feel like it 😉

If you didn’t eat yet or if you weren’t into the mood of going in a restaurant, there’s usually galette saucisse stands near the river where you can buy some ! Nothing is better than a Breton hot dog when you’re a little bit hungry, or just to hang around with !





If you’re kind of a walker yourself and you really like beautiful landscape, then follow me ! Facing La Rance, just turn left and follow the river. You’ll soon pass by the Nautical Club of Saint-Suliac ! In the link you’ll find some of their activities if you’re interested into 😉


A mysterious path on the way


Once you passed that club, you’ll see the entrance of a little forest that seems going along a cliff over the river… Trust me and take that path ! It’s a gorgeous hiking trail leading you all along La Rance! On your left you’ll find nature and wood, and on your right will be the river down the cliff where you stand. You’ll get a gorgeous point of view of the river and on the boats sailing on it ! I just love that part !

To get that beautiful landscape, you’ll probably have to walk quite a bit, something like 20 minutes. Then you can either continue, either go back. If you continue, you’ll see more great landscape of the river, and also some sort of swampy area full of legend ! According to the myth, a village once stood there, but a night of full moon, La Rance swallowed it whole ! Scary right ? In fact, it was a Viking camp occupied during the 10th century ! You better go back and have a swim now, right ? 😉



How to get there ?



A really good question ! Be focused, because it’s not super easy as I said before !

First of all, you will have to go to Saint-Malo, the Corsair city ! Then, all you need will be the buses just in front of the train station !

You must take bus N°5, direction Saint-Jouan. Then, once in the bus, pay attention to the stop ! You will have to stop at “La Madeleine“.

Then, once you’re there, you will have to take another bus ! That one is the N°12, direction Plerguer. Almost there ! Now you just need to stop at “Clos Gilcourt“, which is the stop for Saint-Suliac ! Welcome to one of the prettiest village of France 😉


Then, to go back, you need to take the bus N°12 again, direction Launay Breton that time and stop again at “La Madeleine“. There, once again, take the bus N°5 direction Cancale Eglise and finally stop at Saint-Malo “Gare“! 😉


I hope you enjoyed that article on Saint-Suliac ! Once again, that village is really hard to get, and you may visit all there is else before attempting to visit that once 😉


Here’s some useful links if you missed those beautiful destinations !


Saint-Malo, Corsair city

Dinan the medieval city

Le Pointe du Grouin

What to do in 3 days in Brittany

Hidden wonders of Brittany


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