Saint-Leonard’s market, bike trip in Brittany

You are looking for a market around Dol ? Do you wish to see a french local market ? Are you a bike lover and wish to do a bike trip in Bretagne ? Then this article comes just in time ! Every sunday from now until September, from 9am till 2pm, Saint-Leonard’s market provides different products for you to discover !

Let’s start with Saint-Leonard, what is it ?

Saint-Leonard is a cute little village, around 5 km from Edd Hostel. Quite peaceful during Winter, becomes way busier every Summer ! Why ? Well because of one of it’s main attraction that occurs every Sunday morning in it’s center! It’s charming and peaceful atmosphere provides a perfect environment for you to chill and relax while wandering between the stands.

Alright, but what exactly will I find in Saint-Leonard’s market, you ask ?

You will find our people selling their local products! From artcraft, to local food, trust me, you’ll be enchanted by it’s authentic atmosphere ! You can order yourself a coffee at the main terrass, and enjoy the local musicians sing their french repertory to you! The atmosphere is amazing !!

But what else can I do ?

This is good for 30min./1h of your time, but guess what ? We do offer you a perfect deal for your nice sunday morning !

Go to Saint Leonard from Edd Hostel by bike !

From Edd Hostel to St Leonard by bicycle, we highly recommend you to stop by one of our little jewel of Dol’s area: “The Menhir of Champ Dolent”.

So basically, this trip takes around 30min. by bike all the way from Dol to Saint-Leonard.

From Edd Hostel, take the road that follows Combourg’s direction, it’s easy and direct! Count 2km to reach the Menhir. When you see it’s sign on the road, turn left, then you’ll easily spot it in your vision field! If you brought some water or drinks with you aswell as little snacks, you can rest there for a bit if you like to ! It’s super peaceful as it’s in the countryside, and there’s banks for you to sit on while enjoying the view on the menhir.

Afterwards, when you feel ready, hop back on your bike and return on the little road that you juste left, and continue till the rond-about. Take the frist road on the right.

Be careful, at some point it might get busy on that road, so make sure to keep safe and stay on the right-hand side of the road! But do not worry, cars here are used to bicycles and people doing bike trip in Bretagne :p , so it will be fine for sure as long as you follow those simple instructions!!

Pretty easy for this part, it’s a straight line for about 4km ! You shouldn’t worry about getting lost here :p . So, when those 4km are done, you’ll find at some point a road on your left with a sign writtin on it “Cuguen”. Follow this smaller road till the end of it. Within 2min. you’ll reach a crossroad, and from that point on you’re almost there ! Turn right and go on till the 2nd road on your left! There, you just found Saint-Leonard ! Its sunday market takes place right around the main church of the village, you can’t miss it !

Now you can just chill and relax, like adviced earlier !

Did you like Saint-Leonard’s market ? Hope you found this bike trip in Bretagne amazing !!


More info …?

Want to learn more about the Menhir of the Champ Dolent ? Click here! 😉

There is another market around Dol, the one of Dol 😉 You should read our article about it !


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