Lehon Dinan

Lehon, little city of character


If you’re plan on going in Brittany to visit us, we will with any doubt advice you to go to Dinan and cute village Lehon.

It is indeed a must seen, but while you are in that town, why not give a look to the lovely village of Lehon I visited?



Did you ever wonder how life looks like in the smalls and charming villages of France? Big city are stressing you out just like myself? Are you tired of always going into very touristic and crowded places? Most importantly, you just want to have a break and chill out? If it is the case, I think that you will just love the small city of Léhon like I did 🙂


A nice walk to Lehon



The town itself is very close to Dinan, actually 2 km. I’ve reached it in less than 30 minutes by foot, and I’m a slow walker! Actually, that is a good thing because all the surroundings of Léhon are nice woods filled by hiking trails. It is pretty convenient to take a walk and walking around or even inside Léhon is the most peaceful thing I’ve done since a while!

To reach the town by foot, you will have to follow the river named “La Rance”, and, depending on which side you go, you’ll reach the town. If you’re on the right side of the river, the river will lead you directly intown, next to the swimming pool (yes, there’s a swimming pool!). If you decided to choose the left side, you’ll arrive in front of the old stone bridge of Léhon at the beginning of the city. It’s the path that I choose when I went there, that way I managed to take nice pictures of the stone bridge 😉


Discover the history of Lehon



Once in town, there will be several things to do. There is for example the little Abbey of Saint-Magloire (on the picture above) you can visit. I found the garden a bit small, but it was so peaceful and quiet that I loved it! The Abbey itself is also full of History since it was edified in the IX century.

I was also able to visit the ruins and remnants of the fortified castle Léhon used to have. The castle is mentioned in books from the IX century as well. Which makes it almost as old as the Abbaye. Its ruins are well preserved. The small city put a lot of effort to makes it looks great, so don’t miss it! You can also go ahead and look for the tourism office. They do some guided tour of the town, so don’t be afraid asking them. They are located close to the town hall, in the center town 🙂


How to get there: It is actually really easy since Léhon is at 2 km South from Dinan! You can get it by foot in no time 😉 for more information about Dinan and how to get it, please check this link!

Where to eat: In Dinan you will find plenty of really good restaurants! But if you really want to eat inside of Léhon, I advise you to go to “La marmite de l’Abbaye”, just next to the river and the stone bridge!


Tourist office website, click here!

Our article on Dinan, click here!

Some trip ideas, click here!

My rate: 4/5

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