Dolphins in the bay of Mont Saint-Michel?!

Did you know there is dolphins in the Bay of Mont Saint Michel? Want to watch them without disturbing them?

Well, you’re lucky because I know the perfect place for you to do it!


A unique experience in Cancale


It’s in the port city of Cancale that you will get to see that wonderful animal living in the sea.

But how can I do such a thing may you ask? It is in fact very simple: you’ll have to pass by the association “Al Lark”! Al Lark has been founded in 2003, and is greatly committed to the environment’s preservation, specially the one linked to the sea wildlife.

They offer tours, sightseeing in the see, between Cancale and the Bay of Mont Saint Michel, there you’ll maybe have the chance to witness some dolphins flying in the air! The guide makes everyone participate in the observation and finding of the animals! So, you better open widely your eyes! It may happen that these wonderful creatures show up just in front of you 😉


How it works?


Since it is an association, you will first have to register to AL Lark in purpose to eddplore Cancale’s sea 🙂 Which mean you will have to pay once for the membership, that will make you part of the association for a whole year. Then, each time you want to see dolphins, you will have to participate for the use of fuel.

You can register online through that link, but you can pay only when you show up at the association if you want.

  • For a single adult, the registering will cost 43 euros, then you will be able to see dolphin during the whole year! Don’t forget that for each ballad you will have to pay 12 euros for fuel participation.
  • For a family (2 adults and 2 children), the registering will cost 92 euros and then 33 euros for fuel participation.
  • If you want more information about the membership and how it works, please click that link!

Then you will have to book your ballad. You can either do it online through their website, either by calling the association at that number: 02 57 64 04 40 or 06 78 71 41 09. You can also do it by e-mail at [email protected].


How to get there?


It is actually quite simple to get there from EddHostel, the hardest part will be to get up from your cozy bed (that’s hard, I know!).

Then you’ll have two choices:


  • 1/ You can take the train from Dol de Bretagne to La Gouesniere - Cancale (10trains/day), and then take the bus N°13 which will lead you directly to Port Mer! The bus will pick you up at the train station of La Gouesniere.


  • 2/ Or you can get the train for Saint-Malo from Dol, and then take the bus N°5 until Cancale. Bus stations in Saint-Malo are just in front of the train station! Then, leave at the last stop which is Cancale Eglise. Finally, you just must go North until finding Port Mer, where the association is!



The train to La Gouesnière is way easier and faster than the other. Crossing by Saint-Malo is great if you have some time and want to visit a little bit Saint-Malo and Cancale, which are also wonderful cities 😉

In any case, you will have to reach Port Mer, where the association is. It is located just next to the Nautical center of Cancale 🙂

The address is Port-Mer beach (street E. and A. Feyen) in Cancale.


Basically, what will we do?

You and your group of 8 (to 12) people will get on board of one of the ship of Al Lark, which are Zodiac type of boat. Those are wide open vessel, so prepare some warm clothes! Also, don’t forget that you’ll get onboard through a beach, so you may get your feet wet 🙂

Then you will explore the sea with a whole group of people, looking for dolphins and marine creatures! Depending on the animals and the weather, the time of the ballad can be longer, but it is usually around 3h30 long. You will visit from 20 to 40 km of sea in purpose to see the dolphin in action 😉

Of course, no interaction is possible with dolphins since those are wild creatures. You can only take some picture of them! But dolphins are pretty playful animals, and they usually don’t bother jumping in the air in front of camera 😉

The ballad can be cancelled according to the weather, so don’t be surprise if Al Lark call you saying it! Your security is more important than seeing dolphins.


Should we plan something to bring?



The most important will be provided by Al Lark themselves. It is of course the safety jacket! I know you really wanted to bring your own, but Al Lark insist on that one 😉


Here’s a list of what you should bring with you


  • Warm and waterproof clothes
  • New clothes to change yourself afterward
  • Binoculars
  • Camera
  • Sunglasses
  • Hat
  • Solar protection such as cream
  • Shoes that are easy to get off, because you will have to get your foot wet a bit 🙂
  • Some food and drinks, Al Lark boats have some chest to put it in 😀


Your finally settled to roam the seas looking for the beautiful Breton fauna! Last but not least, some useful links about Al Lark:


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