Randonnee Bretagne

Dinan along the river!

Do you want to get off the beaten tracks drawn by tourist circuits? Or maybe just refill yourself within nature? If so, then you probably should try a kayak ride across “les chemins de halage”, along the river “La Rance”. Best ballad to Dinan for me!

What are those “chemins de halage”?

The “chemins de halage” were used as roads for horses that were towing “chalands” (which were commercial ships) along the river. Those roads were refurbished as hiking trails for walkers. Now you can have a nice little walk just next to La Rance, from Rennes to Saint-Samson-sur-Rance, isn’t that great?

The ballad

What I suggest you today is to discover that valley by kayaking through the river itself! To do it, you just need to call the “club de canoë-kayak de la Rance“, that is renting kayaks during all year. Be carefull tho, because you will need to book it in advance during July and August! They will offer you two choices: either you rent the kayak all day long for 40 euros, either you rent it 3 hours for 30 euros. It will be a 2 person’s kayak, so you can try it with a friend 😉

Club de Canoë-Kayak Rance

13 Rue du Four


Rental website here!

Once you’re on your kayak, you can go and explore the valley of Rance, heading Saint-Samson-sur-Rance. Enjoy nature and the quietness of the river and watch those beautiful landscapes 🙂 When you’ll be on the river, you will also be able to find some pretty houses well hidden in the cliff.


Once arrived to the sluice “du Châtelier“, which is the last lock over the 48th of the River before Dinard’s dam, you’ll fall on “Lyvet“, little marina full of charm. I advice you to take a little break there, and to find a good restaurant facing the port and the Sun of course ;). Little tip: the “Lyvet Gourmand” is a really good address. They are cooking delicious traditionnal meals!

After you finished eating, don’t hesitate to walk behind the lock before kayaking again. You will see a nice view of the river and some old square cabins, “cabane à carrelet“, still intact.

“Les cabanes à carrelait” are some fishing cabins that are way more popular in Gironde’s and Charente’s estuary. Almost all of those cabins disappeared from Brittany, and only 5 of them were still active during 2015.

Once you’re ready to do some kayaking again, all you have to do is head for Dinan.

If by any chance, you still have some energy left, try to get to Léhon by kayaking, it’s worth the trip!

You can also do that ballad by foot or by bike. You will have to walk for about 3 hours (14km), back and forth!

How to go there : Take the train for Dinan (25min). Once in Dinan, go down the harbor, enjoy walking into those old streets 😉 Don’t miss “la rue du Petit Fort” for example! When you’ll be in the port, take the old stone bridge and then go right. After about 300 meters walking, you will find the kayak club on your left!


Kayak rental

Our article on Dinan, click here!

Some information about Léhon, click here!

Other trip ideas, click here!

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