Best travel movies, books and music that make you want to explore!
An article about our best movies, books and music? Oh yes! But always about travel! Edd Hostel Team usually write articles about what to explore in Brittany but this time we have chosen to get a bit more personal and tell you more about us! Here our favorites travel movies, books and musics tastes!! It goes without saying, that these are all travel related… As they all help in reviving your adventure side within you, and will make you want to book your next travel as soon as possible. 😉 . These are some real travel inspirations!
Here are the suggestions of Edd Hostel Team: starting from Emilie, to Alban, Nanae and Lisa!
- Out of Africa :
I’ve re-watched this one while I was backpacking in Malawi. My 4 months in Africa were way less romantic!!
- L’Auberge espagnole :
Who wouldn’t be tempted to do an Erasmus exchange after watching this movie?! Mine was done in Elche, Alicante.
- Carnet de voyage (Diarios de motocicleta):
I’ve crossed South America by bus, but one day I’ll do it by bike, one day…
- L’aviatrice- Paula mclain: I’ve read this one bulimously during a diving course in Egypt!
- Voyage d’une parisienne à Lhassa- Alexandra david neel : One of my heroines ?
- En avant route- Alix de saint André
- Train - Thylacine
- Je rêve d’ailleurs - Lady Sir
- Herzan - Soapkills
- Porco Rosso – Ghibli
Not really a movie about travelling, but I think all my dreams (that are projects now) related to travel came from that movie… dreams like earning a boat and sail it or to go live somewhere else from France. It’s also related to my very first travel in Italy!
- The Darjeeling limited – Wes Anderson
- J’irais dormir chez vous - Maxime de Pontivy
Not a movie at all, it’s most likely a documentary. For me, those documentaries (there is several episodes) represents pretty well a backpacker life: travelling with the minimum stuff on you, trying to get absorbed by the local culture and life.
- Marcher – Thomas Espedal
- 7 ans d’aventure au Tibet – Heinrich Harrer
- Ce Mexicain qui venait du Japon et me parlait de l’Auvergne – Jean-Claude Lalumière
- Dream of the Sky – Miracle of Sound
- Follow me – Muse
- Mauvaise réputation – George Brassens
- Eat Pray Love
- The Bucket List
- The Terminal
Airport is a place which makes me excited !
- Shinya Tokkyu - Kotaro Sawaki (Japanese)
- Sorairo Hitchhiker – Hashimoto (Japanese)
- Guide books (Especially Japanese guide books): Japanese guide book have more photos than text and colorful so it gives you so much travel ideas ?
- Take me home, Country roads – John Debver
- Rouge no dengon : from the movie of Ghibli “ Kiki’s delivery service �?
- Skinny love – Bon Iver: This song reminds me my first solo trip to Canada.
- Into the wild
Movie saw countless times, especially during my trip in Scotland with my 2 German friends! It resonates with my dream/project of travelling without, (or at least not much) money!
- Wild
Discovered that movie in New-Zealand. The travelling which is before all an inner travel! Loved it’s raw authenticity about an Inner Journey, not always easy, but so nourishing! A movie about finding one-self.
- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
- Petite – Sarah Gysler: This woman is one of my great contemporary inspiration!!
- Le voyage de Théo- Catherine Clément
- L’Alchimiste – Paulo Coelho : This book has been one of the rare that I brought with me in most of my travels. A beauty of inspiration on getting in touch with your dreams that never really leaves you, and that are the most precious treasures you can have!
- Mimaamakim- Idan Raichel Project : Music discovered during my trip in Israel! Listening to it always brings me back to the wild and desertic atmosphere I felt in this country.
- Je pars- Michel Sardou: In the plane for my first solo trip! A must to listen when you leave for the first time your family 😀
- Eddie Vedder – Hard Sun : Music in the movie “Into the Wild”
Useful Links:
Female Solo backpacking through the world : click here 😉
Backpacking in France, all you need! : click in this link 🙂
Backpacking through France to discover local culture: click here!
Tags: Culture, Tips
In: Culture