bucket list france

Best places to visit in France

Planning a trip to visit France? Here we listed you our best places to visit in France. We are not going to rank places, but we are going to propose you a tour of our beautiful country.

West of France


As many travelers you may start you trip in Paris for few days. It is our capital and it is a big city full of history but also modernity. Do not spend more than 2-3 days there, if you really want to know France, do not hesitate to escape to the countryside & see other region. This is why in this article we list you our best places to visit in France.


rouen week-end


1st stop heading west: Rouen. The city of 100 spiers. We have been there last November, and we were really surprise by the beauty of the city center. We recommend taking time to do the Jeanne D’Arc museum, really modern, we learned a lot during our week end there last year!

2nd stop: Mont Saint-Michel. It must be on your bucket list. This 8th wonder of the world is unique and magnificent. We live close to this island, but we are still impressed by its shape that you can recognize from far. It is a must-see! You can spend one day there to visit the abbey and take a guided tour in the bay. As it is our region, we really recommend you to take time to visit also Saint-Malo and Dinan, less famous but as beautiful.


mont saint michel


Then, you can go South and visit Bordeaux region. This city is internationally known for the wine! When we went there we really liked cycling through the vineyards 😉


South East of France


South East of France is also very famous for tourism. Do we really need to talk about it on our article? Well, there is the top destinations such as Marseille or Nice but we recommend you to go to smaller town such as Sète or Avignon.

In the best places to visit in France we have to write our beautiful mountains. Your heart will melt in front of this landscapes and the blue color of the lakes. Many outdoor activities to do in Savoie, Alps and around. One of our favorite and must-see spot is Annecy.


best places to visit

East of France

To end your tour of France, do not forget the East of France. The city of Strasbourg is full of heritage and culture. Same advise than for other destination, do not stay in city and get lost around, go around to see small villages! Best time to visit this region is around Christmas, they are nationally famous for their Christmas markets!


To find accommodations along your trip exploring France, below a map of hostels we like working with!

hostel France

Book directly on their website, it is always cheaper 😉

If you need some tips to travel, check our article about how to travel by train in France.

We also recommend you this article about the same subject 🙂



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